1. NZ First is for a comprehensive, independent, public inquiry into NZ’s Covid Response.
At this point in time, recent polls show NZ First is the only party that has a chance of making this happen.
The general public need to know the truth about our government's Covid 19 Response. Otherwise, we are in for a lot more of the same thing—poorly tested mRNA jabs, cover-ups, no accountability for harm or injury… More lives will be lost. Watch this 2 min video here.
If you can question it, it’s science; if you can’t, it’s propaganda. This film ‘Silenced’ needs to be seen by everyone. NZ First will include in the inquiry the censorship imposed on doctors that resulted in a lack of informed consent. This inquiry is the right thing to do.
The fact that existing parties in government do not want anyone to look down the so-called 'rabbit hole' is a big red flag. What are they hiding from you? The fact that they and their captured press like 'Stuff' don't use facts but name-calling like 'anti-vaxxer' towards anyone with opposing views is more than disturbing. Their labelling and creating divisions instead of debating viewpoints destroys society and undermines the essence of a healthy democracy—no society thrives on lies, censorship and propaganda.
2. The Freedom Parties failed to UNITE.
In recent polls, the total percentage of all their votes combined only reach around 5%. Fortunately, NZ First is also standing up for freedom of speech, freedom of choice and so on.
Would you rather have NZ First or those presently in power get the benefit of your vote?
See the previous article, Wasted Votes, as to why (based on current polls) you are either voting indirectly for a party currently in power or you are voting for NZ First. In essence, according to this government page, votes for unsuccessful parties are discarded; but the number of votes for the remaining parties are scaled back up to 100% / 120 seats, thus effectively increasing the number of seats these parties get.
Therefore, at this point in time, we effectively have two outcomes.
A party vote for NZ First with the possibility of getting a comprehensive, public inquiry and more as listed below under NZ First's Policies.
A party vote for any other party is in effect a vote for those currently in power, which will result in more censorship and NO extensive inquiry etc.
3. Many of NZ First's Policies are in harmony with the Freedom Parties.
From NZ First's Website (Links added)
New Zealand First will not form a government with the Labour Party, whether in Coalition or as a Confidence and Supply partner. Watch.
NZ First will ensure a full scale, wide ranging, independent, one year inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand...
Under New Zealand First vaccine mandates will end.
New Zealand First will repeal the Therapeutic Products Act.
New Zealand First will ensure no men are in women's spaces or sports. Watch this powerful Lorraine Moller video.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP)... New Zealand First will formally withdraw New Zealand from UNDRIP, and its imposed race-based obligations, and restore our country’s constitutional sovereignty and democracy.
Pulling out of UNDRIP will consign He Puapua to the rubbish bin of racism.
For the full list of NZ First policies see here. Even if we don't agree with them all, at least NZ First gives us a chance of getting those above over the line.
What does NZ First mean when they say, “Let’s Take Back Our Country?” Listen to this short video for a great explanation.
4. There are NZ First candidates that joined NZ First because they wanted to help stop the erosion of our democratic rights.
NZ First is giving the freedom movement a voice by selecting some candidates from the freedom movement. Let's take advantage of this opportunity.
These brave, for-freedom candidates need our support, our party vote to enable them to represent us in parliament. If we are going to have an impact on government policy going forward into 2024, we need representation in parliament. These candidates will be in a strong position to awaken others within the party and in the wider community.
For instance, from the NZ First Party List: (The number in brackets are their list placings, followed by the approximate % of total votes NZ First needs for them to become list MPs.)
Casey Costello (3rd / 5%): Casey Costello, a trustee of Hobson's Pledge, firmly believes every New Zealander should be equal before the law. Watch this short video: We can't take democracy for granted. Co-governance is anti-democratic. She stands for free speech.
Erika Harvey (10th / 8%): Erika Harvey went to the Wellington Protest. From her Facebook Page: (22 February 2022) ‘I came down to Wellington to have some discussions with various groups inside the protest…”
Kirsten Murfitt (11th / 9%): A great RCR Interview. Also visit Kirsten's X (Twitter) Page. Scroll down her X page to find out more about Covid News, NZ First, and what Kirsten stands for. It will be an eye-opening read for many.
Lee Donoghue (12th /10%): Lee Donoghue, a former Shortland Street Actor, strongly opposes globalism and gender ideology. Visit his X Page to learn more about him. A quote from his page: 'NZ First is by FAR the strongest party on Anti Co-Governance, Law and Order, Protecting our Children, Standing up for Women’s rights, Standing up for Victims rights, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Choice…, Standing up to Globalists and putting YOU First!' Listen to Lee defend women in this recent TVNZ Debate.
Kirsten Murfitt and others standing for freedom have a good chance of becoming MPs if we party vote NZ First.
It is better to get some Freedom candidates in parliament than none at all.
5. NZ First can become the party that you would like it to become.
There are a significant number of Freedom people who have become members or supporters of NZ First. They can over time influence the direction a party takes.
Parties are required by law to be democratic. They are required to select their party lists, their boards, their chairpersons democratically. Therefore, in enough numbers, members can have significant influence within their party. For more on this, go to this webpage, scroll down to 'RCR Hosts on Alternate Political Strategies', and listen to this short clip: Rodney Hide: Mass Membership: How to Take Over a Political Party. Rodney uses National or Labour as options, insert NZ First instead.
In my opinion, this has happened to the Green Party, but unfortunately not in a good way. They are now heaps more 'red' than 'green' and they support global agendas.
Why not help NZ First become the best party there is, a party that truly represents democracy and the people? It has the potential to grow into a major party. It has the potential to help us take back our country.
6. Winston Peters is an experienced statesman, a democratic leader who has a great deal of backbone.
Winston walked among and listened to the people at the Wellington Protest. There he learnt about the vaccine harms etc. He fought back when he was served a trespass notice for going to the protest. He did not back down. He stood up for democracy.
In this 5 minute video, Winston states he has never seen our democracy so much under threat. Our country has been stolen from us...
This video is worth watching: Winston Tells all with Peter Williams. It is interesting to hear why NZ First went with Labour in 2017 and why he won't go with Labour in 2023. He expands on many of the policies mentioned above and also the impressive number of NZ First’s achievements over the years.
In this Reality Check Radio interview, Winston Peters makes it clear—we want the restoration of our democracy.
He says mandates are a classical example of the government taking away our democracy. He also says Chris Hipkins is repeating falsehoods when he says people were never forced to get vaccinated. Winston says he wants a comprehensive inquiry designed NOT to cover the butts of politicians that have made some serious mistakes.
Also, Winston is against the Government forcing councils to fluoridate our drinking water. He states councils and ratepayers should make that decision. Recent research has shown fluoride is a neurotoxin. Remember lead and asbestos was touted as safe for many years. Is fluoride the new lead? Visit Fluoride Free NZ.
In my opinion, objections to Winston pale in significance or do not hold water when compared to what we have to gain by supporting the Freedom movement within NZ First. The party is as good as the people in it. And NZ First has now got some great candidates and supporters.
Some say, Winston cannot be trusted and he was very pro the mandates. I cannot find proof that this comment is accurate. He is against mandates. NZ First has a petition to stop mandates.
Some cannot forgive Winston for going with Labour in 2017. National refused to negotiate. The NZ First Party, via a democratic process, chose to go with Labour as they agreed to implement important NZ First policies—policies that they had used in their campaign—the reasons why many had voted for him. In 2020, the people voted for Labour. Remember, National and Act were just as bad as Labour. National/Act strongly supported mandates and their measures for imposing them may have been even more severe.
Some say Winston has never done anything: that is far from true. For instance, NZ First has stopped the Therapeutic Products Bill in the past. If NZ First gets into parliament, he will do all he can to get the Therapeutic Products Act thrown out. This is huge. This Act benefits Big Pharma NOT New Zealanders. It is the trogan horse for more mRNA experimental vaccines, chemical additives, and the destruction of our Natural Products. And for other things NZ First has done, see here.
7. You can have your cake and eat it too.
Why not Party Vote NZ First so we get some for-freedom candidates into seats to represent us? This also ensures you won’t be helping National, Labour get more seats.
But as we also get to vote for an electorate candidate, we can use that vote to vote for the candidate of our choice to show them how much we appreciate them and their party and what they stand for.
Simultaneously, our electorate vote will declare our dissatisfaction with our present MPs—the MPs who trampled all over our sovereign rights. As this will affect each one of them on a more personal level, I believe this will be heaps more effective than using the impersonal Party Vote for this purpose.
Isn't it better to get some Freedom Policies over the line than none at all?
NZ First needs your vote. It appears, Mainstream Media (MSM) is now trying to destroy any chance NZ First has. Why? Two big reasons—Winston wants to cut their government funding and he wants a comprehensive public inquiry into Covid 19. In my opinion, MSM have a lot to fear—not only will they suffer significantly financially, but they will also be exposed as the ones promoting the real mis, dis, and malinformation. Before he saw the film ‘Rivers of Freedom’, Sean Plunket admits his view of the Wellington Protest was coloured by MSM. See here.
NZ First is the only party standing for democracy that has years of experience in parliament and enough general public support to get us there.
Our SPLITTING the Party Vote is EXACTLY what the major parties want us to do. Let’s NOT give them what they want. We can Win with Winston and NZ First.
Additional Information
NZ First Candidates, NZ First Party List, and NZ First Videos.
In this 8 minute video (from 4 minutes), Winston Peters states that all totalitarian dictatorships have one feature, the government is right and cannot be questioned. He gives an example of just how dictatorial and self-righteous the government has become. He adds, “The right to disagree is one of the fundamental rights in a democracy and we believe it is a right worth defending.''
For more on Winston & NZ First, see NZ First and NZ Elections 2023.
And don’t forget the amazing Tanya Unkovich too! She’s also for freedom and against globalism.
She's standing for NZF in the Epsom electorate and has also been interviewed by RCR - https://realitycheck.radio/tanya-unkovich-life-coach-and-nz-first-candidate-for-epsom-on-why-she-is-standing-up-to-be-counted/
PLUS, RCR host Natalie Cutler Welsh, is interviewing her on "Up Your Brave" tomorrow!