Awesome article. I couldn't agree more!

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Thanks so much

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Feb 1, 2024
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A main thrust of the article was the need for data transparency and debate. I believe Barry's data set reinforces this need.

You may be interested in a working paper by Waikato University Professor John Gibson on NZ excess deaths. In his extrapolations, he took into account the lack of population growth due to border closures. When this is taken into account, NZ has around 4% excess deaths during the pandemic years and around 10.4% in 2022. See links to his work here: https://flagnfix.substack.com/i/140432595/professor-john-gibson-professor-of-economics-at-waikato-university-on-excess-deaths

Excess Death Stats reported a 10.6 % increase in deaths for 2022 compared to 2021 for NZ. See here https://flagnfix.substack.com/i/140432595/grassroots-movement-excess-death-stats or here for a direct link: https://www.excessdeathstats.com/nz/ They point out, 'a population doesn’t age dramatically in one year compared to the year before unless there has been a sudden influx of old people'.

NZ also suffered bad flu seasons pre Covid in 2017, 2019 and to a lesser degree 2018. This would raise the expected deaths.

Besides, does it really matter what the estimated excess death figure is, since so many factors can move the dial? We do know people are dropping dead or suffering injuries because of the 'vaccine' or likely or possibly because of it. We know much safer protocols were mocked or censored for corporate interests.

We also know other Covid measures, such as the fear campaigns and isolation, had negative impacts on many people, especially the young.

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Feb 2, 2024
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I really appreciate the work done by all those who are risking their careers, livelihoods and reputations in their efforts to alert the general public and convince those in positions of authority to the probability that the mRNA vaccines are very likely doing significant harm. I feel excess deaths is one of many ways to raise concern.

At this point in time, I feel the working out of estimated excess deaths etc is like building a house of cards. Here are just some of my reasons. I imagine most if not all will be obvious to you.

1. There are many methods used to work out excess deaths. Results can vary depending on the method chosen.

2. There are likely many variables that warrant consideration with each method.

3. The work is significantly hampered by governments, Health Departments, and regulatory bodies manipulating data or refusing to release data. There has been some great work done by Prof. Norman Fenton and others on exposing deception. Prof. Norman Fenton: The Very Best of Cheap Tricks. See here https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-very-best-of-cheap-trick. And here are 10 ways our NZ authorities control the narrative. https://hatchardreport.com/shining-a-light-in-dark-places-ten-ways-the-government-controls-the-pandemic-narrative/

4. Covid deaths are sometimes subtracted from the excess deaths to determine how many deaths were due to other causes. But studies have shown the vaccine can cause immune dysfunction etc. and thus likely contribute to a number of Covid deaths. Also Covid death numbers are unreliable. See here: https://thebfd.co.nz/2022/03/12/who-is-new-zealands-count-von-count/

5. Anyone who died and tested positive for Covid was counted as a Covid death regardless of how they died. To my knowledge, in NZ they did not change the classification to 'died with Covid' or 'died from Covid' until the deception was exposed. I believe this occurred after a man who died from a gunshot wound was counted as a Covid Death! See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusDownunder/comments/qrwt96/new_lynn_shooting_victim_was_positive_for_covid19/

6. The Covid years can be divided into three periods in NZ. The period before the vaccine that was marked by border closures and lockdowns that generally saw negative excess deaths, and the period of vaccine rollouts when we had insignificant Covid in NZ, and the period of vaccines and Omicron. I feel these 3 distinct periods need to be investigated separately to arrive at any meaningful results. Lumping these distinct periods together can mitigate the number of or hide excess deaths and vaccine harms.

7. Perhaps flu deaths should also be taken out of the equation since we had some severe flu seasons before the pandemic. These would raise the baseline.

8. Those who arrive at the conclusion that there are no excess deaths in NZ are misrepresenting the true picture as there is far too much real-life evidence that far too many people young and old are dying before their time. See here https://nzdsos.com/2024/01/27/lightning-strikes-twice-at-baradene-college/ and here https://t.me/A_New_Hope_NZ/2075 and here for info on 'Examining New Zealand’s ’Died Suddenly’ Cases' https://realitycheck.radio/dr-matt-shelton-examining-new-zealands-died-suddenly-cases/

9. Governments and Health Departments need to release data that compare the vaccinated and unvaccinated (uninjected) outcomes. To me, the fact that they are hiding this information means it is definitely not good news for the vaccinated. Leaked documents may support this. https://hatchardreport.com/te-whatu-ora-are-hiding-a-tsunami-of-illness/

I believe the method that Guy Hatchard and Dr John Campbell refer to do ring significant alarm bells, especially if the figures are way in excess of what one would expect from changes in population or Covid deaths etc.

Although not my cup of tea, it's great that a group of like-minded people from around the world are now investigating excess deaths, methods used etc. See here https://www.excessdeathstats.com/nz/

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Feb 10, 2024
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As I've implied earlier, statistics etc are not my cup of tea. But I do know, depending on how these tools are used, statistics, modelling, estimations etc, can give results that defy all reason and common sense.

What we do know is the vaccine does not stop infection, transmission, hospitalisation, or death. Any effectiveness quickly wanes. There are many risks associated with the vaccine and the list keeps growing.

We also know alternative live-saving treatments were denied.

Since the photo of the lady with the black arm came from Matt King from Northland, I would not doubt its authenticity.

However, I do mistrust Big Pharma. Take a look at their rap sheet. https://www.kanekoa.news/p/pfizers-history-of-fraud-corruption

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