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1a. WOW! NZ First’s Tanya Unkovich
Last week, Tanya Unkovich, a NZ First MP, gave an impressive speech in Parliament. You can listen to her speech here.
Tanya announced:
I rise today with a message to many in our society who have felt or still feel isolated or forgotten as a result of policies responding to the Covid 19 pandemic. NZ First is excited about our commitment to an independent inquiry into Covid 19...
...the inquiry will begin very shortly with hearings as early as November. We have an independent Royal Commission with new commissioners as promised. We have a wide ranging terms of reference, as promised. And the inquiry will take a year, as promised. And finally, a report will be delivered in early 2026.
We are here to listen to and support the forgotten New Zealanders who are still suffering today.
Tanya also spoke about how hard NZ First had to fight to get this inquiry.
The wide ranging terms of reference include vaccine mandates, vaccine efficacy and safety. For official information on the new commissioners and on what the new inquiry will and will not include etc., see here and here.
1b. Informed Consent: Florida & New Zealand
Why is the NZ Ministry of Health still promoting Covid 19 vaccines for people 6 months and over? Surely, they are not going to await the result of the new Covid Inquiry (i.e. early 2026), when there is so much damning evidence against these shots?
Last week, the Florida Health Department advised against Covid 19 mRNA vaccines. Unlike Health NZ's website, Florida Health's site is an example of proper informed consent.
Watch Dr John Campbell's video: Health Advice From Florida. John goes through the various categories of harm listed. View the Florida's Health page: Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters...
From the page:
Although randomized clinical trials are normally used to approve therapeutics, the federal government has not required COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to demonstrate their boosters prevent hospitalizations or death from COVID-19 illness.
Additionally, the federal government has failed to provide sufficient data to support the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 boosters, or acknowledge previously demonstrated safety concerns associated with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, including:
prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein in some vaccine recipients,
increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections, and
increased risk of autoimmune disease after vaccination.
Health care providers are encouraged to share information in this guidance in discussions with patients regarding the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
Safety and efficacy concerns (resources included), are also listed. For instance:
Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
[Note: I’m sure the DNA integration link above worked the other day, but it is not working today. I’ve found this page on the subject: Florida Surgeon General Raises Concerns Over DNA Contaminants in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines]
I believe Health NZ and the Medical Council NZ are guilty of withholding informed consent. Also, the Medical Council is guilty of persecuting doctors who do, which I think is even more sinister. See here.
1c. The Hope Accord Update
The New Inquiry and the Hope Accord are both associated with searching for truth.
The Hope Accord will help grow support around the world for a hard look at Covid 19 and the vaccine, in particular it helps and supports doctors, scientists and public figures get the word out.
Here's a Hope Accord Update with Dr Campbell and one of the Hope Founders, Dr Tim Kelly. Please share. Let's help the Hope Accord go viral.
Here’s a short clip from the video about how and why the vaccine causes harm throughout the body.
The Hope Accord asks for, among other things, the immediate suspension of the Covid mRNA vaccine products and addressing the root causes of our current predicament. Flag n Fix did an article on the Hope Accord in August. See here.
I believe anyone still promoting the Covid 19 jab are likely one or more of the following: corrupted; wilfully blind, perhaps to protect their mental health/reputation; pig-headed; ignorant. For whatever reason, as the jabs do not stop Covid, but cause you to get more Covid-19 infections; do not prevent transmission; are causing injuries and death—our Ministry of Health needs to follow Florida’s lead without delay.
2. WOE! NZ First’s Shane Jones
The genetic mRNA Covid 19 injection was promoted as safe and effective, but resulted in disaster for many and a drain on our economy. Is the current coalition government going to inject another experimental gene-based disaster on us, but this time also on our environment?
The day after Tanya gave her impressive speech in parliament, Shane Jones was interviewed on Reality Check Radio. He appears to support the National Party's Policy on lifting the so-called effective ban on genetic modification. See previous articles GE & NZ's National Party and GE Contamination for details on National's Policy and for the dangers associated with GM.
Here’s the segment on GMOs.
You can listen to the full RCR interview here.
1. Ban-like Thinking
Paul Brennan asked Shane if he saw any risks associated with deregulation. Shane answered: We are trying to walk away from a ban-like way of thinking.
His reply does not answer the question. Besides, ban-like thinking for protective-reasons is in other policies; e.g., their pushing to ban vaping for youths; their pushing to ban biological men from women's sports. Both of these bans will prevent harm, which is a good thing. Genetic modification is not actually banned in NZ; it can be done if safety requirements are met, which helps prevent potential harm.
2. Weather & Food Security
In the interview, Shane mentions genetic engineering has the potential to deliver new answers to the weather and to problems of food security.
a. Weather
There’s NO evidence that GM can solve any weather-related problems. Climate is always changing and plants adapt. Non-GE plants are more robust and survive more readily than GE plants that have been engineered for a particular climatic condition. See this section Climate and GE, in the previous Flag n Fix article, for more information, which also covers the absurdity of developing mRNA gene-based vaccines for cows to help with climate change.
b. Food Security
Again, there is no evidence that GM can deliver on food security. However, there's evidence that shows non-GM crops outperform GM crops. For instance, available official studies show that GM wheat, which comes with cancer-producing agrotoxins, is less productive than conventional wheat. See: GM wheat, poisoned bread, and deception.
From a previous Flag n Fix article under the section Fear of Missing Out and Abundance: A study out of Canterbury University NZ...compared GE agriculture to a non-GM approach. The results disproved claims that GE foods are needed to feed the world. Non-GE outperformed GE.
And GM synthetic foods will not give us food security either, but more unhealthy, toxic foods and ill-health. Pfizer will be happy—our medications will skyrocket. More on this under Wealth & Safety below. Besides, these foods need excessive energy to produce—so it's a bit like an electric car—without power, NOTHING.
I cannot see GM giving NZ food security. It will more likely give us a headache with all the ensuing problems. Besides, NZ can produce plenty of food without branching out into dangerous, problematic GM.
Added 20/9/24
Watch a Reality Check Radio clip, in video format, of Professor Michael Antoniou of Kings College London talking with Paul Brennan on the myths and truths concerning GMOs and why deregulation isn’t the way forward. See here.
From the video:
As you know, one of the elements of, what I have to call almost like emotional blackmail, of trying to sell these gene-edited products to the world, is that we need them to produce more food to feed the hungry, hungry millions.
Well the point is, we produce more, more than enough food that we need now anyway.
Work conducted, sponsored by the World Bank and the World Health Organisation shows that we produce enough food now to feed 14 billion people.
Listen to the full interview here.
3. Wealth & Safety
The government, in effect, intends to speculate on GMOs hoping their policies will bring wealth to our nation. The trade-off: potential damage to our health and our environment!
In the RCR interview Shane says: if we continually cover ourselves in a blanket of unwillingness to move forward and make trade-offs, don't be surprised if overtime our wealth continues to decline.
Although Shane mentions the need to proceed judiciously, he adds the caveat, we have got to trade off our anxieties against the economic upside of being able to achieve more from the same material and create more wealth for not only ourselves but also for the future generation.
Again, there is NO proof that messing around with GM will produce anything worthwhile, anything healthy or more of anything positive.
There is however, evidence that shows GM will likely cause ongoing harm and NOT wealth. NZ will likely lose heaps of money. The U.S. have no GM restrictions and have been messing around with GM for years and their health, environment, and wealth have gone downhill. Their GM crops produce less when compared to non-GM Europe.
Is Shane so focussed on economic growth for NZ to the point where he is seeing $$$ and NOT sense around GMOs? Is he relying on legacy media and industry propaganda for his information?
To be fair, it is impossible for MPs who have huge commitments to investigate a topic when it is not on their priority list. Therefore, it is up to us to inform as many people as possible and to make enough noise so MPs hear our concerns and do make it a priority. Once out in the environment, GMOs cannot be recalled.
Are our politicians aware of the failures mentioned in this study: The Failures of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS): Resistance, Regulation, and Rejection? Printed here and here and here. From the study's abstract:
GMOs have failed to gain price parity with their non-GM counterparts, and they attract price penalties. Segregation of GMOs and non-GMOs has failed…. GM has failed the coexistence test with GMO growers contaminating neighbouring farms…. Most GMO crops are Glyphosate dependent. Glyphosate...is implicated in the causation of multiple cancers....
And from GMO, Failed Promises; Flawed Science: A Serious Health and Safety Issue:
The benefits claimed for GMOs are failed promises. It is well documented that GMO crops have reduced root growth, lower nutrient density, increased disease, greater stress susceptibility and the need for more pesticides than “conventional” crops...
There are NO peer reviewed scientific studies that show that GMO crops, or the chemicals they are engineered to tolerate or produce, are safe for human or animal consumption….
Future historians may well look back upon our time and write...about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.
Those who want GMOs and their associated, destructive patents are likely those with vested interests, those who see lots of $$$, and those who wish to control the food supply market. Once we deregulate GE in NZ, we will NOT only destroy our clean, green GMO-free environment, but also fail to create anything worthy.
There are far better and safer ways forward. Featured in previous Flag n Fix posts, Prof Michael Antoniou, Prof. of Molecular Genetics and Toxicology Kings College London, is worth listening to again. He explains why GE is NOT the way to go and why natural breeding techniques are far superior.
You can listen to the full RCR interview here.
Covid 19 and the mRNA vaccine are both products of gene technology—if it were not for these products, I believe New Zealanders would be healthier and NZ wealthier.
NZ First is listening to the vaccine injured. They fought for a comprehensive inquiry. Will they also be judicious and listen with an open mind to those independent scientists etc. about GMOs like Prof. Jack Heinemann, Canterbury University?
The Covid disaster should serve as a lesson in gene technology—it can result in disaster even when it’s ‘assumed’ safe and effective. Even small changes in a DNA sequence can result in harm. For instance, the health disorder known as sickle cell anaemia is caused by a single change (a point mutation) in the person’s DNA.
There has been four years of 'talk' ...
Now ... we are only weeks away from WWIII ... and all that 'talk' amounts to ... zilch!
The last role of the dice is now upon us ... like a black thundercloud ... and I have thrown all my dice ...
It's not a case of 'good luck' ... Trump has 'good luck' ...
Kiwis have ... Christopher Luxon ... and he has the mindset of a budgie ... talking to itself in the mirror ...
I don't hold out much hope for Kiwis anymore ... they keep blocking my emails ... and then getting 'turbo cancer' ...
I have very good odds with the TAB for a trifecta by the end of September ... and an 'all in' accumulator for WWIII by the end of October ...
I have Netanyahu on speed dial ...