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The Hope Accord (mentioned in an earlier post here), is an international movement. Its number one point is the immediate suspension of the mRNA 'vaccine' products. Dr Campbell says in his video The Hope Accord:
It was developed by clever doctors and scientists but it's open for everyone to sign.
The Hope Accord also calls for, among other things, a comprehensive evaluation of the safety and efficacy of all Covid-19 products. Well, who can argue with that? Surely, everyone should demand that; after all, if the products are so safe why is there such a huge body of evidence to the contrary and why is a growing number of top doctors speaking out about the harms they are seeing.
This CAN NO LONGER be swept under the carpet by the uncaring, the wilfully blind, those who cannot mentally and emotionally face the facts, or those who cannot believe there are harms because they are still under the spell of the safe and effective brainwashing narrative.
It is rapidly becoming common knowledge that mRNA vaccine's have harmed a significant number of people.
The Evidence Suggesting Vaccine Harm
The statements made in the Hope Accord are backed up by plenty of evidence including the mechanisms of harm and pathology. See here. This includes a comprehensive 77 page submission to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry by the Doctors for Patients UK.
Here is the Hope Accord X Page
The Hope Accord has already attracted over 55,000 signatures, including over 8,000 medical doctors, other healthcare professionals, scientists and academics.
Here are the 12 highly qualified doctors/scientists who founded this accord. I have included associated links, i.e. eye openers.
1. Dr Clare Craig
Dr Craig, a diagnostic pathologist, is part of the HART (Health Advisory & ReCovery Team) group—an organisation of doctor, scientists, economists and other academic experts.
Dr John Campbell has interviewed Clare a number of times. Listen to this interview on the Hope Accord. For more of Dr Campbell interviews with Clare see here.
Dr Craig's analysis of the Pfizer trial that was used to give acceptance to giving the jab to babies 6 months and older is both trust-shattering, shocking and distressing. No parents would get their kids jabbed if they knew the extreme poor quality of the study and the result! This is definitely a must watch: BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children.
Dr Clare Craig contributed to the people's Vaccine Inquiry Witness Statements. You can read her testimony here: “Unsafe and Defective” by Clare Craig (2024) A comprehensive aggregation of key evidence related to concerns raised in the Hope Accord.
2. Dr Suneel Dhand
Dr Dhand is an internal medical physician. From his X page:
My goal as a Physician is to get you OFF Medications
You can learn more on his amazing You-Tube Channel and his website. Listen to this video: Unvaxxed Novak Djokovic is REALLY the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Athlete of All Time). Presented is a great example of standing up for what is right, and also the rewards gained by doing your own research and by being extra careful about what goes into your body.
And here are two other recent videos that uncover the bad road medicine is going down: When Doctors become Demons and Insanity: Doctors TOLD they must do this with patients.
3. Dr Joseph Fraiman
Dr Fraiman is an emergency physician. He noted on his X Page that the FDA published a surveillance-data study that found the Pfizer Covid Vaccine increases the risk of lung clots by 50%, and NOT a single major news source reported in that.
This is what Dr Fraiman says in his video, The Illusion of Consensus. Should Covid Vaccines be Suspended?
In this video, we dive into the HOPE Accord, a significant movement led by over 1,000 doctors and scientists advocating for the suspension of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine…
We explore key issues such as the potential harms of the vaccine, the importance of informed consent, and the need for randomized controlled trials to provide more reliable data. Additionally, we discuss the controversial topics of publication bias, the suppression of dissenting studies, and the need for a more ethical and responsible regulatory body. Join us as we unravel the complexities of this critical conversation and consider the future of vaccine policy and medical ethics.
Receive Exclusive Episodes & Q&A Content by joining our Substack Community: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/
Dr Fraiman also contributed to the resource/evidence Hope Accord page with his article published in Science Direct titled Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults
A Few Snippets From the Results:
Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated…
The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group…
4. Dr Charles Hoffe
Dr Hoffe is a family physician. You can learn more on his Rumble Channel here and on his website here.
Listen to Dr Hoffe’s statement here on the Hope Accord.
He begins with, ‘The medical profession must lead by admitting we lost our way…’
5. Dr Timothy Kelly
Dr Kelly is a medical doctor and systems analyst.
A post extract (3rd Feb, 2024) from his X Page:
What has happened to transparency and integrity in mainstream media, government and public health all across the supposedly developed world?
As concerned citizens, parents and healthcare professionals, it's time to shine light on the corruption undermining our institutions.
And here’s a post from 19th July.
We cannot afford to let the establishment sweep the mRNA wreckage under the rug. If you tolerate this your children will be next. Those responsible are counting on your fatigue. Fight back, join @TheHopeAccord movement today.
And here is an X post from Dr Kelly. He explains in his own words what the HOPE Accord is about. Here are a few bits from that post:
The Hope Accord is a call to action, a plea for sanity in a world gone mad with power and greed….
The signatories of the Hope Accord are like Avengers of the medical and scientific community, coming together to fight for truth, justice, and the right to not be harmed by vaccines….
Dr Kelly also contributed to the resource/evidence with his article Beyond Blame: Dissecting the Systemic Roots of Societal Disease of the Covid Era. It is so well-worth reading. Dr Kelly writes about the destructive influences of centralisation and the top-down decision making of supranational organisations like the WHO, corporate and regulatory capture, the chilling effect of silencing dissent, conflicts of interest, infantilisation through simplified messaging and much, much more. He also explores solutions.
6. Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
Dr Kunadhasan is an anaesthetist and perioperative physician.
A post extract from her X page.
I might just be an anaesthetist, but I will never understand how obstetricians got behind a drug with the word mRNA in it, with barely any safety data in PREGNANCY.
7. Dr Aseem Malhotra
Dr Malhotra is a significant cardiologist. He featured in the Flag N Fix post Jab U-turns: From Yes to NO, which covered notable people who no longer believe in the safety and efficacy of the injection.
Listen to Dr Aseem Malhota talk about the Hope Accord and why we need to sign it.
From the video:
The Covid pandemic has revealed a microcosm of corporate capture of medicine and public health by powerful vested interests in the form of Big Pharma in particular, whose business model is one of fraud.
And sadly, we have seen the greatest failings of the system with the rollout of an mRNA product that has likely contributed to deaths or serious harm to millions of people around the globe. It is now our opportunity to take the next step to clean up that system.
The Hope Accord Website in its Resource/Evidence section includes research by Dr Malhotra published in the Journal of Metabolic Health (JMH) titled Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1 and Part 2.
Abstract Excerpt From Part 1
Results: In the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19.
From Part 2
Results: Underlying causes for this failure include regulatory capture – guardians that are supposed to protect the public are in fact funded by the corporations that stand to gain from the sale of those medications.
Video from NZ
Watch this NZ video, which features Dr Malhotra and some of our politicians. It has been posted on the HOPE Accord X page so it will be getting worldwide coverage.
In a previous post, there is a heading Regret, Grief and Guilt…. Do any of our politicians now feel regret, grief and guilt at the way they coerced New Zealanders to take a ‘vaccine’ that had little safety data. Did our politicians believe everything they were told by our captured agencies? Did any of them feel at least some doubt? Or did they dismiss anything they heard or read that did not conform to the official narrative—all experts agree the vaccine is safe and effective.
When will our National, Act, and opposition politicians educate themselves, take a good look at the data, and take the life-saving u-turn or at least look at independent sources of information; i.e., beyond captured agencies.
It doesn’t look promising, as they prefer NOT to have an inquiry that looks at the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Thank goodness NZ First does and has fought for it against the odds. See here, here, and here.
Also, NZ First politican Tanya Uncovich and NZ First Party President, Julian Paul, met with seven seriously mRNA-harmed New Zealanders. See here and here. Health Forum NZ:
I believe, as we move towards phase II of the NZ Covid Inquiry, there is at least one NZ political party who knows the truth - and intends pushing for a far reaching, independent and open Covid Inquiry into vaccine harms in New Zealand.
Our sincere thanks to Tanya and Julian and NZ First.
8. Dr Ayiesha Malik
Dr Ayiesha Malik is a general practitioner. Here is her website. Like Claire Craig, she is also a member of the HART group. See her profile here. She was a co-signatory to the open letter to the UK Secretary of State re: Urgent Review of Excess Deaths. This letter has an impressive list of many, many highly qualified co-signatories, many with many letters after their names. Read what they have to say here.
9. Dr Dean Patterson
Dr Dean Patterson is a top UK cardiologist. Here is an article in the Daily Telegraph NZ: Top UK cardiologist calls for investigation into COVID jab injuries, numbers are the ‘tip of the iceberg. And this article ‘I started to see things which made me more and more concerned’
Snippets from the latter article:
BEFORE the Covid pandemic, Dr Dean Patterson had given little thought to vaccines….
‘Not once had I considered a patient having a vaccine side-effect,’ said Dr Patterson….
‘In my personal experience, the Covid vaccine has caused me intolerable concern for patient safety…. In my 33 years of medical practice, I have never witnessed such harm from a therapeutic intervention.’
An obvious question is how Dr Patterson can be sure that the conditions he has observed are not caused by the Covid infection itself.
‘My observations are about people who have only been vaccinated. We tested them for Covid and, for as many as I could, sent away antibody levels to determine if they had previously had Covid.
‘When you have Covid, you make S and N antibodies, but when you have the vaccine you have only S antibodies. These people had no virus – they only had the vaccine.’ [Bold mine]
10. Mr T James Royle
Mr. T James Royle is a general and colorectal surgeon. He is a member of the Doctors for Patients U.K.
Listen to Mr Royle’s statement here about the Hope Accord and his concerns about the ‘vaccine’.
Here’s some of the transcript:
I think there are many of us across the world who have had concerns, valid concerns about the rollout of novel experimental technology…. And as time’s gone on it’s becoming clearer and almost overwhelming now the evidence is there that there is a problem with these products.
It’s also becoming clear that there’s not really any benefit to anyone anymore. So I find it concerning and disappointing that I still see patients in clinic who have had recent boosters, even as recent as last month…. There is no obvious good reason why anyone should be getting these things now. It’s just risk and no benefit.
11. Dr Jackie Stone
Dr Jackie Stone is a medical education director, x-front-line physician, biochemist, innovator & researcher. You can view her X Page here. And here at FLCCC Alliance, you can read more about the Hope Accord and listen to Dr Jackie Stone, Dr Tim Kelly and other doctors talk about it. They explore the development of the HOPE Accord and the urgent need to re-evaluate Covid-19 vaccines and more. It’s an interesting 90 minute watch. You can listen to Dr Kathy Stone just after the 30 minute mark.
Below is a clip from the video. I found this part so interesting. In Zimbabwe, they had a unique situation because they didn’t have the genetic ‘vaccines’.
Although their demographic is the same as South Africa, they only had 1/5th of their deaths. Why? Because they approved Ivermectin and they did not approve these genetic injections. Dr Stone, as she sees vaccine-injured patients who were injected abroad, said they are behaving totally differently from the people here.
More info on Dr Stone and the impact of ivermectin use in Zimbabwe.
“I honestly believe that doctors all over the world have become more scared of the regulators and the lawyers than they are of losing a patient”, says Dr Stone. She believes that clinical decisions should be informed by external evidence but guided by clinical expertise and the patient’s wishes.
12. Prof Bret Weinstein
Prof Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist. Here is his You Tube Channel.
In Conclusion
There is obviously something very wrong with these mRNA ‘vaccines’ with so many highly qualified people speaking out with concern. They would not risk their reputations if all was well. But these doctors are ethical doctors who will NOT sell their souls to unscrupulous corporations, captured regulatory bodies, parliamentarians and the like. They obviously put the health of their patients first.
As you can see not all experts agree the vaccine is safe and effective—many, many, many don’t and the numbers are growing as those attending patients are witnessing the concerning numbers of injuries above and beyond what is expected.
If you agree things need to change, please sign and share, share, share the HOPE Accord. Share with your doctor, your dentist, your butcher, your baker, your candlestick maker. Do what you can. It may help awaken more people and save lives.
And read Dr Kelly’s article. This article helps us understand more about what happened and why things went wrong, and it points to possible solutions. The points he makes are thought-provoking—great to use when talking with others.
The Hope Accord will also become a worldwide record of the ethical, caring doctors and scientists and others who stood for right not wrong, those who sought the truth.