The Scary Proposed Amendments to the W.H.O.'s International Health Regulations
Are they really about Health? Or are they about money and control? If passed, the WHO will change from being an advisory body to "What WHO says is what you do".
The World Health Organization will gain huge powers over NZ. For instance, the power to declare the beginning, the management, and the end of a pandemic. Its power will also be extended to include all potential health risks.
If the WHO declares a pandemic or a potential health risk, it will have the power to enforce vaccinations, mandatory health certificates, censorship, and more.
All this power will be placed in the hands of one unelected, unaccountable person–the WHO’s Director General.
What could this mean for you?
You won’t be able to go places unless your jabs are up to date.
The WHO will become your sole source of truth.
Our government will be obligated to follow the WHO. Therefore, it will be the WHO telling your doctor what he/she can or cannot say to you and what treatments can or cannot be used. At times, doctors may be forced to act against their better judgements.
Listen to Leighton Smith NewstalkZB on the subject as he interviews Dr David Bell. Leighton Smith: What he (Dr Bell) has to say should be heard by every thinking person in this country, and every other “free” state on the planet. What an interview!
The Leighton Smith Podcast: Public Health Physician and biotech consultant Dr David Bell warns: “the WHO has changed and now it is a threat”
And here’s a great Reality Check Radio NZ interview on the WHO. Paul Brennan interviews Dr Andrew Bell, who’s also a senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute. He’s worked within the WHO. Dr Bell discloses many red flags. And the slogan, no one is safe until everyone is safe, is simply nonsensical propaganda to sell more vaccines.
Here's the insightful Dr Bell article, which you can read or listen to, on why legislators should reject the WHO's proposals for pandemics. The WHO should serve countries NOT instruct them. It expands on points made in the RCR interview.
Also on Reality Check Radio NZ, James Roguski, who keeps up to date on the WHO, explains how these amendments would negatively impact our democracy and our lives. He also makes suggestions on what to do about it.
In the U.K., because of a petition signed by over 156,000 concerned people, the pandemic treaty & the proposed IHR amendments were debated in parliament. Here’s Andrew Bridgen’s powerful speech. He covers some disturbing stuff and points out that WHO's biggest donors are also the biggest investors in pharmaceuticals and mRNA technology. As he says, “He who pays the piper plays the tune.”
So it is not surprising, the IHR focus on the production/supply of Big Pharma products. Vaccines will escalate—they’re hugely profitable to WHO donors. Why would they prioritize creating drugs for just the sick; when instead, they can create vaccines for everyone? What a huge market!
And the more profitable pandemics become, the more likely they will be declared.
Wealth transfer to global corporations & globalists will snowball.
As the proposed IHR amendments would impose huge ongoing compliance costs etc., how will NZ survive these? We've already got crippling debt. Will we end up owning nothing!
Our taxes would be far better spent on measures that actually improve health, healthcare, and well-being like preventive care, housing, healthy food, community hospitals/staff and so on.
This World Council for Health (WCH) Policy Brief not only gives examples of the WHO putting industry interests first, but also expands on other reasons why we'd be completely dumb to give them so much power and to pay them truckloads of money. The WCH also offers a better way for global health.
Is the W.H.O. safe & effective?
Unlike the World Council for Health, the WHO failed to acknowledge early treatments and cheap, life-saving protocols for Covid 19.
It ignored doctors who successfully treated 1000s of Covid patients. For instance, Dr Shankara Chetty.
Can we feel safe relying solely on the WHO? For instance, Bill Gates and the WHO funded lethal, hydroxychloroquine studies. If the amendments are passed, because of WHO censorship, fraudulent trials, like the above, may never be exposed. View the notes beneath the video.
This video recording of Dr Rapiti, a frontline doctor, gives some strong reasons why it is foolish and dangerous to allow the WHO to dictate healthcare.
The WHO praised China’s cruel Covid 19 policies.
A caring, effective WHO would embrace all successful protocols and not just those serving corporate interests.
And as an aside, it certainly wouldn’t push agendas that harm and confuse children. Mark Dolan on GBN slams the WHO's sexuality advice for little kids. It’s commonsense and natural to let children, who are naturally innocent, to remain innocent. To do otherwise, is sick, criminal and abusive. School time is better spent learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and critical thinking skills.
Will the WHO dictate what rights you have as a parent? After all, during the last pandemic, children could get the jab without their parent’s consent. How many more rights will be taken away?
If we are all in the same boat and the boat springs a leak, we all go down. The WHO's plan to keep jabbing the world with rushed mRNA vaccines that have little long-term safety data is downright stupid and reckless.
Centralization and monopolization are always risky.
Decentralisation and diversity are so much safer.
Community responses and sharing successes without fear of censorship and persecution is what is needed to get the best outcomes.
Like Dr Shankara Chetty and Dr Robert Rapiti, there's a number of highly skilled doctors around the world getting amazing results. There's also lots of scientific studies showing amazing results using cheap treatments. Based on these observations, if this information hadn’t been suppressed but shared, there could have been far fewer Covid 19 deaths, no need for Covid 19 vaccines, and therefore no injuries or deaths from them either. And NZ would not be wallowing in debt. Take a look at this study, just one of many cheap treatment options, to get a glimpse of what might have been, especially from around the 13 minute mark.
'If you give executive powers to the WHO, you bury democracy. There’s nothing you can do if they screw up,' warns Christine Anderson M.E.P. in this short, impactful video.
Our government will be a puppet to the WHO. It’s madness for any government to O.K. this. Such agreements should, at least, require debate & a referendum.
What can you do?
Help inform our MPs. Here are their contact details. Have our MPs read the IHR document, been fooled by the flowery language, or do they prefer China-like regulations? The more people that write to them, the more they'll become informed and the more they'll start taking notice. Help make this an election issue. The debate in the UK only happened because of the people.
A group of women did write to all our politicians and the MSM. They received nothing of any consequence from our MPs, but they did get a response from RCR and from Leighton Smith NewstalkZB. Listen to their story on RCR. For convenience, here is the Leighton Smith link repeated here.
Vote for a party whose loyalties lie with NZ. See how can help get such a party voted in. Democracy NZ is on tour. Check them out.
Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights. This is open to everyone around the world.
Share with family, friends, and social groups. Spread the word as mainstream media is not doing their job.
More Resources & Information:
Philipp Kruse: Attorney at law. A presentation for the attention of lawyers and legislators on the WHO treaty and proposed IHR amendments. It covers a selection of critical aspects. Actually, it’s an informative talk for all—a must view.
A well done article on the IHR and why we need to pay attention.
Dr John Campbell has done a number of interesting videos on the WHO and the IHR. He’s done at least ten. Scroll to find them. In this video, he shows his disbelief as he reads the proposed IHR recommendations. What leader in his/her
right mind would even consider handing over so much power to one person—the Director General?
James Roguski: An easy way to keep up to date on the WHO. Sign up for free emails.