RCR: Babies Are Being Born Alive And Left To Die
Sign the petition: Don't Let This Happen Again
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1. Reality Check Radio Petition
Babies Are Being Born Alive And Left To Die, Right Here In New Zealand…
Sign the petition to help stop this cruel practice from ever happening again. Sign here: https://realitycheck.radio/abortion-reform/
2. First-hand Experience of a Baby Left to Die
Listen to the following heart-breaking RCR interview. Judy Martin-Hendrie, nurse and midwife, describes her first-hand experience of a baby who survived a late-term abortion attempt and was then left to die.
Without any medical care, this baby struggled to live for 2 hours. Imagine the pain this little one felt. In a humane society, adults care for and protect the young and vulnerable. Listen here.
3. The Extreme Abortion Laws in NZ
In March 2020, when our attention was focussed on Covid 19, the NZ government rammed through parliament extreme abortion laws.
Abortions up to the point of birth became legal—healthy babies can be murdered in the birth canal anytime before birth. And babies, healthy babies, who survive abortion can be left to die. Most would be horrified if they knew about this practice regardless of their views on abortion.
Basically, before birth an unwanted child has no rights. When a child is born prematurely, everything is done to try to save that child unless the child is born alive after a failed abortion. The only difference between the two: one is wanted by the mother; the other is not.
You can read the abortion legislation here: https://www.health.govt.nz/regulation-legislation/abortion/abortion-legislation.
4. Ellie Whitaker, spokesperson for the NZ Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Listen to Ellie explain the horrific ramifications of NZ's extreme abortion laws in this 4 minute clip.
You can listen to the full interview here.
Resources Ellie mentions in the interview:
The NZ Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform: their website End the Killing and their Facebook Page. And the resources Ellie mentions: Pregnancy Counselling Services and Pregnancy Choice: Not sure what to do? Free, confidential help, information and support.
5. Bob McCoskrie on Late-Term Abortions
a. Listen to this heart-wrenching RCR interview with Bob McCoskrie from Family First. Bob talks about late-stage abortion in NZ, the law, the politics and more.
b. Near the beginning of the interview, Rodney and Bob discuss when a baby is referred to as a baby and when it is referred to as just a clump of cells with no human rights. Here is a clip from that segment, followed by the funny video Bob refers to—it illustrates how ludicrous the terminology surrounding abortion is.
You can watch the funny skit here on You-Tube or here on Choose Life.
c. An Official Information Act (OIA) request revealed that within the Canterbury District Health Board an aborted baby born alive is wrapped in a blanket and held until it passes. You can listen to that segment here.
d. According to a survey done by a pro-abortion pollster, only 4% of New Zealanders say abortion should be later than 20 weeks. The government is way out of step with the views of the people. Listen to a compilation of clips from this segment on the polls.
6. Abortion Procedures: Dr Norman MacLean NZ
Abortion Procedures NZ: 1st and 2nd Trimesters
In his interview, Bob McCosbrie mentioned a video by Dr Norman MacLean, a NZ obstetrician and gynecologist. His disturbing video illustrates the horrific reality of 2nd trimester surgical abortions (12 to 24 weeks). You can view that here on Abortion Procedures NZ.
If you scroll down the page, there are two other related videos.
First trimester Surgical Abortions in NZ (5-13 weeks)
First trimester Medical Abortions in NZ
In 2015, Dr Norman MacLean was named a Member of the NZ Order of Merit in the Queens Birthday Honours for services to obstetrics and gynaecology.
Dr MacLean: Before you defend abortion, make sure you understand exactly what you're defending.
7. Abortion Procedures: Dr Anthony Levatino U.S.
Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Trimesters
Dr. Anthony Levatino is an practising American obstetrician and gynaecologist.
Women have changed their minds about having an abortion after watching Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters, a disturbing video by Dr Levatino. Dr MacLean got permission to use the same graphics in his videos.
Dr Levatino’s closing words in the video:
I came to realize that killing a baby at any stage of pregnancy, for any reason, is wrong. I want you to know today, no matter where you're at or what you've done, you can change. Make a decision today to protect the preborn.
For more information see https://www.abortionprocedures.com/ and https://www.liveaction.org/
8. Do Babies Feel Pain During Abortion?
Yes, there is evidence they feel pain and even more intensely than we do.
See the following references:
1. Fact Sheet: The Science of Fetal Pain.
The idea that unborn and newborn babies cannot feel pain is obsolete, refuted by an extensive and growing body of scientific evidence.
It is also interesting to note babies are surviving and thriving at ever younger pre-term ages when given appropriate care and treatment.
2. Fetal Pain in the First Trimester: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8935428/ From the abstract:
Fetal pain perception has important implications for fetal surgery, as well as for abortion. Current neuroscientific evidence indicates the possibility of fetal pain perception during the first trimester (<14 weeks gestation)...
3. Baby Screamed During Live-Birth Abortion, We Can’t Forget This Baby’s Cries
“More than 18,000 ‘very late term’ abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America. These are innocent and defenseless children who can not only feel pain, but who can survive outside of the womb in most cases, and who are torturously killed without even basic anesthesia.”
“Many of them cry and scream as they die, but because it is amniotic fluid going over their vocal cords instead of air, we don’t hear them,” he said.
9. Simon O'Connor On Abortion
Simon O'Connor, former National Party MP for Tamaki and now an RCR host, opposed the abortion bill in 2020 and, as a safeguard, introduced an amendment to the bill to ensure, at least, babies born alive after an attempted abortion were given medical care and were protected from neglect. But this amendment failed to gain enough MP support in parliament and was therefore thrown out.
You can read the parliamentary recording of the debate here.
His supplement read:
22 Care of child born after abortion
(1) This section applies if an abortion results in a child being born.
(2) A qualified health practitioner who performed the abortion that results in the birth of a child, or any other health practitioner present at the time the child is born, has a duty to provide the child with appropriate medical care and treatment.
(3 ) For the avoidance of doubt, the duty owed by any health practitioner to provide medical care and treatment to a child born as a result of an abortion is no different than the duty owed to provide medical care and treatment to a child born other than as a result of an abortion.
If enough MPs had voted for this amendment, the baby who had suffered a terrible two hour death, with the appropriate medical care and treatment may have lived and been adopted by one of the many, many people longing for a child to love and cherish.
Listen to Maree Buscke interview Simon O'Connor in this information-packed 15 minute interview. Simon talks about the extreme abortion legislation that was rushed through parliament and his rejected amendment. Listen here.
Here’s a clip from the interview.
10. Agnes Loheni On the 2020 Abortion Bill
In the RCR interview above, Simon O'Connor mentioned Agnes Loheni, a former National MP, who put in an amendment to ensure the fetus is given anaesthetic to prevent it from feeling pain. But that too was voted down. How could anyone NOT want to protect babies from pain!
Source: https://legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2019/0164/latest/versions.aspx. Scroll to Supplementary Order Paper (SOP) no 461. As mentioned earlier, you can read the parliamentary recording of the debate here.
During the debate Agnes drew attention to the fact that 25,000 submissions were made on this bill with 91.6% opposed.
What You can Do
Sign the RCR Petition: https://realitycheck.radio/abortion-reform/
Spread the word.
Let our MPs know how you feel: See Have Your Say.