Notice of Liability & NZDSOS
The Asch & Milgrim experiments and when lying crosses the line and lives are lost
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1. Experiments
a. The Asch Experiment
Have you heard of the Asch experiment on conformity?
This article, Vaccine Sceptics Are the True Critical Thinkers is worth reading. It examines how behaviour science was used during Covid 19.
From the article:
The Asch Experiment, conducted by Solomon Asch, found out that most people, when seeing a “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is fairly obviously false, actually ends up agreeing with those false opinions just because everyone else seems to think so.
This experiment was repeated many times, and in the most skillfully conducted experiments, they got 62.5% of subjects to agree with obvious nonsense [on one or more trials].
Therefore during the Covid era, the propaganda All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective was enough to get most people on board including our politicians and doctors etc.
From the article:
We [and this includes politicians, doctors etc] literally lived through a worldwide Asch experiment. Every newspaper, TV station, every YouTube recommended video, kept telling us how the vaccine was “safe and effective” and how “all experts agree”. We were constantly force fed these “expert opinions” nonstop.
Enormous efforts were spent to silence “misinformation”. Why? Because Solomon Asch found out that any expression of disagreement — lack of consensus — immediately kills compliance.
Critical Thinkers
Those who questioned the narrative are the critical thinkers.
“A lot of what people have come to regard as clear scientific consensus is nothing of the sort. The voices of scientists with different views have simply not been heard.” Dr John Lee, Retired Professor of Pathology
Also from the article:
Even those who took the shots, and saw the light later, are critical thinkers. What is important is seeing the light — not necessarily the timing of when you saw the light.
We saw many examples of this in the previous post Jab U-turns: From Yes to NO. Many key figures were faced with a situation that shocked them into doing a u-turn. They faced a situation that lead them to look at the literature with a critical mind.
b. The Milgrim Obedience Experiment
Another experiment showed that approx 65% of people follow orders from an authority figure even when they know their actions could hurt another. How many people including doctors and politicians etc. know the vaccines cause harm but still remain silent and follow instructions from their higher-ups?
Take a look at the Milgrim Obedience Experiment here.
The Power of Consensus & Authority
The Asch and the Milgrim experiments showed the power of consensus and authority in directing actions. And based on these experiments, as would be expected, around 60% or so of people from all walks of life followed government propaganda and took the shot. Sticks like mandates/vaccine passports/hate propaganda etc. were needed to increase that figure.
2. Notice of Liability & NZDSOS
Recently, NZDSOS have sent a notice of liability to members of parliament and other key figures because they continue to support and promote the Covid 19 vaccines as safe despite overwhelming contrary evidence.
You can read the letter in their post: Letter to New Zealand Officials – Record of Evidence of Potential Criminality
Here are some quotes from their letter:
If you are new to this information, we are sorry for any distress. It would seem that MPs are still being falsely reassured, if not frankly deceived, by some politicians and government officials, to a terrible cost and with potential criminal liability. We have tried to get your attention, but it seems too many of you are unable to believe our information. For disbelievers, please try to imagine: what if you are wrong? We know a few of you already do understand the harms and are trying to help.
To continue to promote harmful injections in the certain knowledge of more deaths and injuries to come lacks any defence or justification and would seem to breach the Crimes Act.
Please refer to our most recent letter to parliament here, documenting the dangers. All our open letters are here, which go back to April 2021 and form an important chronology.
Kiwis continue to die in record numbers, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG
As we have explained, Nakahara et al showed that EVERYONE demonstrates heart abnormalities after their 2nd covid-19 jab…
We have reported the white rubbery clots, which have only appeared following the covid injections....
A torrent of critical review articles is emerging, here is yet another, and more associations with brain clots and, in this review article to dementia too, and the same findings from Korea here, and showing more than double the rates of cognitive impairment in the jabbed.
We will not stop documenting and calling out the deaths of children and healthy people of all ages, multiple orphaned families where both parents have died (especially from turbo cancers), suppression of covid treatments, and the false and ethically repugnant drive to inject children and pregnant women. This terrible crime against women and their babies, now documented here and here, may be long remembered perhaps as the defining gross violation of the covid era.
Stop all mRNA SHOTS
Of those who received the letter of liability and are therefore aware of the plethora of studies that show vaccine harm, how many will speak out? How many will join the growing number of courageous people who have taken the u-turn?
Like many in the Asch experiment, will they remain conformist even though they are definitely aware all is NOT right? How many will remain subservient, like those in the Milgrim experiment, regardless of the consequences?
How many are unable to change their mind as they are captured by the line All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective and are therefore dismissive, unable to think critically, or even look or think about the hoards of damning evidence?
After all, even Dr Drew, at first, was dismissive of the evidence when he spoke with Naomi Wolfe. See here.
Obviously, there are many reasons why people conform or obey authority figures even when they feel something is off or not right.
Do we now live in a world where officials outsource decision making to large authoriative, international bodies, which are highly conflicted, rather than take responsibility and look into the matter themselves and dig a bit deeper and consult with a range of doctors, scientists etc?
When officials all over the world turn to the same organisations for leadership and get the same advice from the same hand-picked ‘experts’ a feeling of consensus is generated. But as we saw with the Asch experience, consensus can equate to nonsense.
Are our officials captured by the Asch and Milgrim effect?
NZDSOS Need Your Help
Surely, as lives are at stake, authorities, like the Medical Council should consult with doctors who raise valid concerns and NOT crucify them. See this disturbing post, Is the Medical Council fit for purpose in its harassment of doctors?
The NZ Medical Council have harassed doctors who were patient orientated, doctors who upheld their Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm.
From the article:
At least twenty five doctors have been investigated by or are still undergoing investigation by the medical council for prescribing or sourcing ivermectin for the prevention or early treatment of covid or for raising valid concerns about the official covid response. Both of these actions are legal.
It appears, doctors, to survive in the current system, NEED to be groupthink/authority orientated; otherwise, they are harassed. Doctors have to toe the line or risk being discredited.
NZDSOS have initiated a High Court judicial review. This case will be heard on the 23 and 24th of September in the Wellington High Court.
We look forward to countering the medical council attempts at defense in court. It is time to call the dogs off our trusted doctors.
NZDSOS list ways you can help. For instance, you can donate directly to the NZDSOS legal fund and/or you can write to Dr Shane Reti etc. Templates are provided.
3. The list of possible injuries is so large and frightening now.
Look at this long list of studies:
Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries: An impressive list of scientific studies on Vaccine Injuries. These are listed under the following headings: General adverse events, autoimmune, blood clots and fibrous clots, cancer, cardiac, dermatological, diabetes, eye disorders, increased susceptibility to C19 infection, inflammation, kidney/renal issues, long Covid v long vax, neurological issues, reactivation of latent viruses, reproductive issues, reverse transcription of the genome, thyroid dysfunction, vaccine shedding, excess deaths and SADS, and other articles compiling studies on vaccine injury.
And this organised library contains over a thousand peer-reviewed papers on vaccine harms and mechanisms of harm and so much more. This was mentioned in previous Flag n Fix posts here and here.
And see this NOTE here. An OIA request reveals in black and white, “those who have been vaccinated/had boosters are more likely to have high all-cause mortality risk (additional to being aged) than those who did not.”
A NIH study out of Stanford University (Age-Stratified infection fatality rate of Covid-19 in the non-elderly population) shows Covid has a survival rate of 99.9% for those under 60 and more or less 0% for those under 30 years. And now with just Omicron, the survival rate would be even more favourable.
So why are NZ Officials still recommending Covid vaccines, vaccines associated with a significant number of severe adverse effects? Are they vaccine mad? Listen to Chris Martenson in this one minute clip compilation.
Even a WHO study showed a MINUS 40% efficacy for the Pfizer jab after just 9 months. Once in negative territory, it is far, far, far safer to be unvaccinated. It seems something very wrong happens to the immune system of the jabbed—is that why turbo cancers are rapidly increasing in numbers in highly vaccinated countries?
Take a look at this short, two minute compilation clip immediately below.
Since the WHO is NOT warning the world about the dangers associated with the Covid 19 jabs, even the danger they found in their study, the WHO obviously do not have our best interests at heart. To me, they have obviously been captured by the ultra-rich globalists complex from which a significant portion of their funding comes from. After all, the more shots we need, the more Pfizer makes. It is a great business model to have gravy-train vaccines.
Chris also talks about a well-done Cleveland, Ohio study, which showed the more shots you get the more Covid you get. As mentioned in a previous post here, Dr John Campbell also did a video on the Cleveland Study. This study raises the question, how many people died from Covid because they got jabbed.
Chris also talks about a German study, which showed that vaccination had no benefit.
You can view the full video here for the above clips: When Lying Crosses The Line And Lives Are Lost
4. In Conclusion
How many members of parliament, how many health authorities NO longer TAKE the ‘vaccine’ themselves because they know they are NOT safe? We know they are now aware of the mountain of literature that points to vaccine harm.
They are aware because of all the letters informed doctors and others have sent to them.
However, the general public are NOT so lucky. The establishment doesn’t inform them. Legacy media doesn’t warn them of possible ‘vaccine’ dangers either.
They don’t even warn pregnant mothers. Read this disheartening article: Were Pregnant and Breast Feeding Women Sold a Lie?
It is SO obvious that all is NOT right.
The OBVIOUS thing to do is to suspend the shots immediately, implement safer alternatives for those at risk from Covid, and compare the vaxxed to the unvaxxed per 100,000.
Why hasn’t that been done? It wouldn’t be hard to do. And it should be done. And I feel it would’ve been done if authorities put the peoples’ well-being first and foremost.
At least, our politicians/health authorities should suspend the shots and wait for the conclusion of the independent, NZ First Covid 19 Inquiry that includes vaccine ‘safety’ and ‘efficacy’ before they make further decisions on mRNA ‘vaccines’.
Please spread the word. The shots need to stop.