The public have been invited to
share their story (their pandemic experiences) with the existing Covid 19 Inquiry.
give feedback to the government on what they think should be included in the inquiry, i.e. in the terms of reference (ToR). See here for more information.
These are two separate submissions.
This article focuses on the Share Your Story Submission.
Note: Closing date for both submissions 24 March, 2024
A. General Information
The Share Your Story submission is based on two questions.
Question 1: Looking back – what would you like the Inquiry to know about your experiences of the pandemic? (maximum length: 10,000 characters)
Question 2: Moving forward – what lessons should we learn from your experiences so we can be as prepared as possible for a future pandemic?" (Maximum length: 10,000 characters)
B. How to make a Share-Your-Story Submission.
We will click through the pages and include some screenshots so you get an idea of what to expect.
Click here to go to the introductory page for both submissions. If you scroll down a bit you can watch a 3 minute Explainer Video about Sharing Your Story.
Now scroll back up to the Share Your Story Box and click on the link. It will take you to its Overview Page. Directly below is a screenshot of the box I’m referring to. Here is the direct link to the Overview Page.
The Overview Page introduces the two questions and gives you some suggestions on answering them and other information etc. If you scroll down that page, you will see a Tell us your story Box. A screenshot of the box I’m referring to is directly below.
If you click on Share your story, it takes you to the Tell Your Story Submission Form. There’s a screenshot directly below and here is a direct link to the submission form.
The Question and Answer Page
Unfortunately, on the Question and Answer page are these words:
We’ll endeavour to read all the public submissions that we receive. However, given the high level of public interest in COVID-19, and how many people were impacted, if we receive a very high number of responses we may use other research techniques to ensure we have effectively captured the themes and similarities across all experiences to inform the Inquiry’s findings and recommendations.
As the Covid Inquiry is compromised because the commissioners are NOT impartial and already hold didn’t-we-do-well views of the NZ Covid pandemic response, I cannot help but be suspicious that those submissions in favour of the Covid response will take priority.
Anne Can't Stand It!
Most of you may have seen Anne Gibbon's cartoons. What I didn't know until today, she also has a substack. See here. Below is one of her fantastic memes. It just seemed the perfect meme for ‘Looking Back and Looking Forward’. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Moving Forward
The Bill of Rights, the Nuremberg Code, informed consent, our democratic rights must never to violated again. If these basic essentials of a free society had
not been violated, I believe NZ would be in a far, far better place today.
We would have had cheap, effective, safe alternatives to the ‘vaccine’. There would have been no mandates, no vaccine passports, the fear propaganda would not have worked. We wouldn't have had excess deaths and hospitals swamped in part with the elelphant-in-the-room injuries.
What you can do.
Sign the RCR petition for a genuine, comprehensive inquiry. See here.
Make a Share your Story submission.
Inform others. We need as many people as possible to sign the RCR petition, give their feedback on the terms of reference and share their story. Numbers can and do make a difference.